What does cow’s milk allergy mean for parents?
Yes, cow’s milk allergy can be a challenge, but don’t let it become the centre of your world. There’s so much more to discover about your little one than their allergy. Having a baby with cow’s milk allergy can bring lots of different emotions to the surface. It’s just as important to manage them as it is to manage your baby’s allergy symptoms.
And remember, most children will be able to return to a normal diet by the time they’re ready to start school. Until then, stay positive and focus on all of the amazing milestones of your baby’s life. Here are some suggestions to help:
Enjoy feeding your baby
If you haven’t stopped breastfeeding your baby and you want to continue, don’t be discouraged. Your doctor may suggest eliminating milk-based dairy products from your own diet so that you can continue breastfeeding your baby.
If you’re formula-feeding or complementary feeding, your doctor might have recommended an extensively hydrolysed formula for the dietary management of a cow’s milk allergy, such as Nutramigen with LGG® . Not only are Nutramigen LGG® formulas age-adapted, they can help your infant return to a normal diet faster than Nutramigen without LGG®.
Weaning is an important milestone in your baby’s life. However, following a cow’s milk-free diet when you start to introduce solids can be challenging. Remember that your doctor and dietitian are there to support you and there are plenty of helpful resources in the weaning section of this website, or within our parent’s guide to cow’s milk allergy. This should be a fun and exciting time for you and your baby. So, do your research and ask for help if you need it, and then you’ll both be able to enjoy this special time.
Arm yourself with knowledge about cow’s milk allergy
A common source of frustration and worry is feeling a lack of control over a situation. By reading up on cow’s milk allergy you can regain a sense of control or, at least, understanding. Your healthcare team is there to help you, but you will be the one at your baby’s side on a daily basis. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel as you address your baby’s cow’s milk allergy symptoms and needs. Take time to look through this website and check out the frequently asked questions. You should always contact your doctor if you are worried about your child’s health or have any unanswered queries.
The more prepared you are, the better you’ll be able to manage your little one’s cow’s milk allergy so that they can still enjoy all that childhood has to offer. By being equipped with knowledge and ideas, you’ll be able to turn negatives into positives and improve daily life for the whole family. The living with CMA section of this website is full of suggestions to help.
Take good care of yourself
Your baby will sense when you’re stressed, so taking care of yourself can make you both feel more peaceful. Try to include some of these just-for-you activities each day:
- Get some exercise with a DVD, workout class or a walk in your neighbourhood
- When your baby’s napping, read or take a nap too
- If you have other children, schedule one-on-one time with them to talk or play
- Nourish your body with healthy foods
- Do some deep breathing or yoga
- Seek out help and support
- Make time to catch up with friends
You don’t have to do these all at once; take small steps. Every piece of fruit you eat, every nap you take and every walk around the block — it all adds up.
Celebrate everyday victories
Caring for a baby with cow’s milk allergy can be a challenge, especially if your baby’s cow’s milk allergy symptoms haven’t quite resolved. It’s ok to feel frustrated, but take some time at the end of each day to jot down what has gone well so you’ll remember the positives.
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